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Welcome to the Village on College Hill!
The Village on College Hill (VCH) serves the College Hill neighborhood of Easton PA.

We’re not your usual bricks-and-mortar community--although we serve one. We're a "virtual" village, but the things we do are real; the people we serve are our neighbors.


VCH is a 501(c) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.  We're a volunteer-driven membership organization that provides support, services, and programs enabling College Hill residents to live healthy and meaningful lives in their own homes. If you are 50+ and live on College Hill, you are encouraged to become a member, and all are welcome to join our community by becoming Volunteers.

Here are some of the things VCH provides to our members: 

  • Social events, educational programs, and small-group get-togethers, including a drum circle, Tai Chi, pickleball, trips to concerts and tours, dining club, walking club. Many of our programs feature instruction or expertise from Village members.

  • Access to information—call one number or visit one website for assistance or information referral 

  • Access to member recommended contractors and professional service providers, many offering member discounts - an number of our members have commented that the discounts they have received have more than paid their membership fee.

  • Rides to appointments, shopping or errands

  • Friendly visits; check-in phone calls 

  • Help in maintaining independence at home, assistance with paperwork, household tasks, electronic equipment and more


The Village on College Hill offers social connections and activities, security in dealing with service providers, convenience for errands and appointments and assistance for members to continue to live in their own homes as they grow older.Please look around our website, especially our Benefits and FAQ / Tech Library section to learn about our activities and benefits. Check our Village Events Calendar page to see what we're planning to do in the future.

Membership is open to all those aged 50 and over living within the boundaries of the College Hill section of the City of Easton (shown below).

The Village on College Hill*1700 Sullivan Trail #147  Easton PA 18040 *908-612-5604