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Lower door of Williams Center at corner of High and McCartney
Lafayette College Williams Center for the Arts, Room 123
(come in the lower open door near the corner of McCartney & High)
Led by Larry Stockton, Village member & chair,
Lafayette Music Department
Drums are provided; beginners warmly welcome.
Senior Planet OATS program
Lower door of Williams Center at corner of High and McCartney
Lafayette College Williams Center for the Arts, Room 123
(come in the lower open door near the corner of McCartney & High)
Led by Larry Stockton, Village member & chair,
Lafayette Music Department
Drums are provided; beginners warmly welcome.
Senior Planet OATS program
Lower door of Williams Center at corner of High and McCartney
Lafayette College Williams Center for the Arts, Room 123
(come in the lower open door near the corner of McCartney & High)
Led by Larry Stockton, Village member & chair,
Lafayette Music Department
Drums are provided; beginners warmly welcome.
Lower door of Williams Center at corner of High and McCartney
Lafayette College Williams Center for the Arts, Room 123
(come in the lower open door near the corner of McCartney & High)
Led by Larry Stockton, Village member & chair,
Lafayette Music Department
Drums are provided; beginners warmly welcome.
Knitter and handicrafters meet to work on individual projects, chat, and enjoy light refreshments.